AdAmAn Club Has Cold Climb Above the Clouds!
The climb started out relatively mild with sunny weather on the morning of December 30, 2015. New Year's day dawned cold and dreary for the entire front range. While cold, the AdAmAn Club were above the layer of clouds and there was virtually no wind. The conditions were nearly optimal for a winter climb. A light dusting of fresh snow over a good hardpack made for fine footing. Twenty three members and eight guests made this year's climb. New member Scott Smetana, the Club's 98th member, led the climbing party in a classic climb.
The first day of the climb proceeded uneventfully. Members and guests traded stories or "tall tails" as they're often want to do when the weather allows it. After a night's stay at Barr Camp, rested, fed and well taken care of by the Barr Camp caretakers, the club proceeded towards the summit under cold but sunny conditions. Due to the low cloud layer, the club was unable to flash mirrors at Colorado Springs during our lunch break at timberline.
Upon reaching the summit, and with a bit of a rest, the club turned its attention to preparing to ring in the New Year with their usual fireworks show. The evening ran smoothly and followed the customary traditions of the club. Though five fireworks were launched at 9:00 pm in honor of the original "Frozen Five" members of the club, no one on the front range was able to see them. Fortunately the skies cleared between 9:00 pm and midnight and the fireworks went off without a hitch. At the stroke of midnight the Club once again greeted the New Year with a spectacular fireworks display from the 14,115-foot summit. The local four wheel drive group gave the club a ride off the summit after the fireworks show.
Once again the fireworks show was well received and there have been some great photos of the fireworks posted on Facebook.